What is the so-called Four Seasons Oolong tea?

What is the so-called Four Seasons Oolong tea?

19/09/22 FGC
Four Seasons Oolong tea is a special Oolong tea that originated from Mingjian Township in Nantou County, Taiwan. The tea attracts many consumers due to its liquor and fragrance. This
Discover 5 most popular Southeast Asian tea types 2022

Discover 5 most popular Southeast Asian tea types 2022

12/09/22 FGC
If you are curious about what are the most popular Southeast Asian tea types in 2022, this article will be helpful to you. Explore interesting information about the 5 most
A tour of FGC’s tea factory in Phu Tho province- See what attracts you most?

A tour of FGC’s tea factory in Phu Tho province- See what…

20/07/22 FGC
As the largest manufacturing plant among 15 factories, our tea factory in Phu Tho ensures a sufficient and stable tea supply for domestic consumption and export by manufacturing, processing, and
FGC - the best company for supplying and packaging instant black tea POWDER in Vietnam

FGC – the best company for supplying and packaging instant black tea…

14/06/22 FGC
Instant black tea powder has been loved by millions of people for its convenience. The powder has been widely used in daily life in beverages, milk tea, medicines, and health